Early Days

Cathedral City, CA, overlooking the Colorado Desert
Mt. San Gorgonio and Palm Springs in the Distance

The First Cabin
The first cabin built in Cathedral City, owned by George Allen, one of the early developers.
Life was a little rough here in the 1920s. His cabin was located at what is now the South East corner of Highway 111 and Cathedral Canyon.
1. Allen's cabin, looking
East from Rainbow Run - 1927
2. The first cabin - 1925
George Allen was one of the
developers of Cathedral City

Volunteer Fire Dept.
In this 1939 photo, the Volunteer Fire Department was housed in the Valley Players Guild Hall, where the Town Hall was also located.
In the next photo, you see the Cathedral City Volunteer Fire Department Rescue unit with some of the volunteers.
1. Valley Players Guild with Town Hall and Volunteer Fire Dept - 1939
2. Rescue Unit of the
Volunteer Fire Dept.

The dates were sold by the wayside at a produce stand and in stores and cafes. Visitors and locals, alike, enjoyed them.
This photo with the palm-frond shading is of the Hillery produce stand.
Date Palms
Dates were grown for sale in Cathedral City. Here you see a date grove with the ripening fruit bagged for protection against birds.
You see this same method used, even today, down valley in Indio and Coachella.
Interestingly, growers in the Middle East have visited the Coachella Valley to learn the valley's best practices in growing dates.

Life in Cathedral City: Sipping something cool at the ountain