Cathedral City
in the 1950s, 60s & 70s
Frank Sinatra
Honorary Mayor
Frank Sinatra became the first honorary mayor of Cathedral City in 1967.
Frank and his buddies had a huge song-fest to raise money to build the St. Louis Catholic Church, where his mother Dollie attended church along with several other celebrities.
The church is very distinctive with a large gold cross and sits between C and D streets in the Cathedral City Cove.

Frank Sinatra and a Cathedral City official

Pat McMahon, rescued by JFK
during WWII
Pat McMahon
Rescued by JFK
Cathedral City Postmaster Pat McMahon was appointed by President John F. Kennedy.
Lieut. (j.g.) John F. Kennedy rescued his wounded-crewmate Pat during World War II in the Solomon Islands, while serving on U.S. Navy PT-109 (patrol-torpedo craft). Pat was a machinist's mate first class.
(Information gleaned from The New York Times.)

The Queen & her Court, Indio Date Festival 1960s
Queen Scheherazade
Indio Date Festival, 1960s
Vicky Palmer (in white) as Queen Scheherazade at the Indio Date Festival, Riverside County Fair in the 1960s.
Vicky is the daughter of Pearl and John Palmer, who lived on Moonlight Drive in Cathedral City.

Postcard... Place Stamp Here
"When the eastern states are shivering in sub-zero temperatures, these desert winter guests are enjoying the warm waters of the Delux Trailer Park pool, and
real desert living under
a warm desert sun."

Hwy 111, Looking West
towards Mt. San Jacinto
With the snow-capped peaks of Mt. San Jacinto in the distance, Cathedral City hums along in sunshine and warmth under a deep-blue sky.

Highway 111, Looking West
Hwy 111, through Cathedral City in the 1950s. Notice the four-lane highway.

Double Image:
Cathedral Canyon Cove &
Hwy 111
"One of the fastest growing cities on the California desert with modern stores and shops for the tourist's every need. Located only a few miles east of Palm Springs and nestled against the copper-hued mountains which form the southern rim of Coachella Valley."

Downtown Cathedral City
1950s-era photo taken along Hwy 111, the main artery through the area. The city even had a Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio. Note the 50s-era automobiles.